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   Iams Brand Pet Food


We all remember the pet food recall of 2007, so many pets sick and some even died as a result of melamine tainted wheat gluten contamination in the food. Let me tell you of a brand that was not even once on that very long list. Iams Brand Pet Food. Iams uses only natural ingredients, and chooses to manufacture their products right here in the good ol' USA. It is nice to know American ingenuity is still alive and well and so is the American Worker! This reasonably priced, made in America group of products are available almost everywhere, and coupons can frequently be found in your local newspapers and by calling the company. Check them out on line at www.iams.com. Newton loves it! Just ask him next time you stop in!



     Natural Balance Dog Food

There is another brand of "Made in America" dog food I need to tell you all about. This is very important information to have. 

I have a male Papillon that came to live with us approximately one and half years ago. When we adopted him, he was a bit “chunky” with hip or lower back problem, and he chewed his feet, tail, and really any other part of his body he could reach until he was almost raw. Now, I know a vet’s usual answer to this problem - steroids. And it works, for now. But then the itch comes back 3 days after the pet has finished the steroids. There just has to be a better answer... So, a bit of research later and I found the most amazing information... It seems most dogs are allergic to a substance (you read about it above) called wheat gluten. It also seems (for some odd reason) that most pet foods are made with, you guessed it, wheat gluten! Go figure. Natural Balance Brand Dog Food is not made with wheat gluten, or (I think) any other wheat byproducts. Now there's a thought! It is also made in America. They also have limited ingredients formulas, for allergy prone dogs. When I discovered this information, I went right out and bought a bag of Natural Balance Duck & Sweat Potato Small Bites Formula. It is a bit pricey, but if you call the company, they are pretty good about sending you out a few coupons. I fed the food to both my little ones, and by the end of the 12 pound bag, Pippin had all but stopped scratching himself, and Kacee (who had no real issue) was scratching herself considerably less as well!


But that's not the end of the story. Just a few months ago, one of our long-time guests was starting to scratch herself pretty badly, also. I asked the owner to please try this food before they took her to the vet. They did, and two things happened. First, she actually ate it! Now this may seem trite to you, but Miss Bella has always been a very finicky eater to say the least. Now, she is a gobbler! Second, in about 30 - 45 days, just like with my babies, she stopped scratching and chewing herself. Listen, this is a really good product these people are putting out, and bless them for it! Constant vet visits and steroids will take quite a toll on both your dog and your wallet! This food may be a bit pricy, but it is healthier, cheaper and easier than the alternative! You can find out more at www.naturalbalanceinc.com. These products can be found at most major pet stores, Jeffers Pet Catalog and on line.

Now here is the fun part... Natural Balance makes a great and truly nutritious dry kibble as well as a canned or “wet” product. They also make a “log” that is extra nutritious and extra flavorful. But the Icing... They make a Human Grade canned food that you and your dog can share ( if you are so inclined)! There is Chinese Take Out, Hobo Stew, and Chicken & Dumplings. You think I am joking? Just click on the pic below to watch a fun video of a Local Chef, Lou De Angelis and local radio personality Barry Foster giving it the ol' Taste Test at an Adopt-A-Rama at the local PetCo here in Sebring, FL!


               Click the picture below for another fun video!